PTron has launched a Bluetooth Sunglasses for just Rs. 999 & its Awesome by the looks.

Popular mobile accessories brand PTron has unveiled ‘Viki’, Bluetooth headphone sunglasses for men & women. As you can already guess, it comes with built-in earphone for music. It is available exclusively from for just Rs. 999. As per claims, it is ideal for outdoor sports addicts, runners, cyclists, hikers, and travelers.
You can find a youtube video about the headphone --> here
Also a Video about similar headphones --> here
Viki is a foldable sunglasses with Black Polarized lenses to protect your eyesight. It has Bluetooth enabled earphones offering stereo sound, answer calls & listen to music.
You can connect it to your phone to enjoy songs and answer calls. It also has few buttons to control different things. It has a built-in Li-ion rechargeable battery and the battery can be charged with mini USB cable.
The company claims that they have already sold in first three days of pre-launch and the most of the orders were from south India. The company said that the product is attracting Millennials and is expecting  good sale in coming weeks. 
